24/7 availability

Send invoices anytime from anywhere

New customer records in seconds

Import directly from Xero

Save time and money

with Direct Debit billing

The Billing Platform is an easy to use reseller billing solution that takes you from…








The MyBusiness.Cloud Billing Platform is an easy to use billing solution that takes you straight from your vendors’ bills to your customers invoices to payment in only a few steps.  Each month import (manually or automatically) your bills into the system to be allocated as draft invoices to all your customers. Then simply add items if required, invoice, email, export to Xero (forexample) and wait for the Direct Debit to transfer funds to your bank account.

Never miss an invoice line

Adjust and compare rates, view sales performances and usage, add and remove as many clients, suppliers and products as you want, and interface directly with Xero.  Using the Marketplace, you can also purchase seats and subscriptions directly from the vendor.

Direct Debit billing

Improve cashflow and reduce time spent on credit control by using the direct debit feature

Flexible rates tables

Use vendor RRP or set a new pricing structure or create bespoke rates per customer.

24/7 access

Send your invoices at any time, seven days a week, from anywhere

Unlimited customers

Add as many customers, products and categories as you need

Customise categories

Combine multiple vendor products into a single own-defined category to simplify customer invoice


View sales per vendor and analyse performances and relationships. Know when or if to adjust rates

Own branding

Invoices are white labelled. Define direct debit reference so your customer can always identify payments

Bulk upload

Create customer records in seconds. Upload CDRs and create itemised bills with the click of a button

Automatic bill import

Automatically collect and process vendor data via FTP/email/import


The MyBusiness.Cloud dashboards allow you to quickly view your recent activities

Technical support

Available 24/7 through our ticketing system and live during office hours

Xero integration

Import customer data directly from and export invoices directly to Xero with one click

Call rating engine

Quickly set your own call rates for individual destinations for each vendor

Add own services

Create your own services or manually add repeat/renewal items to monthly bills

Always getting better

We are constantly working to enhance the service with regular updates and new features

Profit Alerts

Our notification engine will alert you if the profit for a service falls below your specified level

Contact us

Would you like to see more? Speak to us today to arrange a demonstration. We have a number of different configurations available to tune the platform to your requirements. Additionally, based on requests from businesses using MyBusinessCloud we are constantly adding new features and integrating with more vendors and other applications.


If you have a feature suggestion, please let us know.

Tel: +44 (0)20 8797 7799

Email: info@mybusiness.cloud

Request a callback